Happy Memorial Day Monday Everyone!
i hope you all are enjoying your monday off! we had a nice weekend. We went to the park and the kids played themselves out. TOday we had to get up and get ready quick because E was in a parade, with his cub scout troop. As we were leaving we were almost caught by the parade that was just about to begin in our town..but we went down a side street to make it out and to the parade he was in just in the nick of time. We got to the staging area...and it seemed like as we were driving it was going to be a long walk for a 7 yr old. or a group of them i should say...id say it was about a mile to mile and a half. They had the firetrucks and fireman, police, ambulance, veterans, soldiers, and girl and boy and cub scouts and brownies, they had 9/11 tributes, horses pulling a caison ( a casket on a wagon ) draped in a flag, a bagpiper and also horses pulling a cannon. we also had a truck pulling a statue from ww1 and then old army vehicles it was a nice parade that ended on the town common, with readings from a priest or minister, some high school graduates, mothers of deceased soliders, veterans from the vfw,police chief, and state officials. it was awsome and was very patriotic.
So i just want to say remember your troops, and vets today, the fallen and the ones still here, salute them and pay tribute, because with out them fighting for our freedom and the things we have we wouldnt have them.
So id like to pay special thanks to :
RAY PLOUHAR 5-26-1976 to 6-26-2006 KIA IRAQ
my husband BRIAN A PEPIN ARMY VETERAN 2 tours to the middle east
and also my brother FRANK J GATTUCCIO member of a cav unit in El Paso TX and has so far served 2 tours in iraq.
They are all my heros. Thank you for doing what you did, or are doing. Please remember to support your troops and their families and wives , widows and lovers, because they are missing them too, just as much as our soldiers are missing home.
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