Hi Everyone~
Sorry for such a lapse in posts but i have been busy working at nite and weekends and trying during the days to catch up on stuff around the house and doing things like going to conferences. Things are just busy. The hubs is working hard during the day and i am working hard at nite. The kids are doing well in school. Its also been bitterly cold here on the east coast, so outdoor activities are limited. Last weekend we finally had a day off together and went grocery shopping and then we got our christmas tree. Its gorgeous. we picked a good one this year. We came home and unloaded everything and put the tree up. Pics will come soon. We also are done xmas shopping for the kids. I have a few things in mind for the hubs tho. You may recall that we got a dusting of snow on my birthday which was nov. 8. We havent had any since then or even a hint of some, even though the temps were down in the teens and 20's. Well last weekend we had temps in the 40's and 50's. It was balmy even. I keep wondering when we are going to get some snow , its just so yucky to look outside. Well it was raining sunday and into monday but they said the temps would drop and it would turn to snow..Weeeee! i was pumped and was hoping. Well as i left for work it was pouring down rain...then sometime it the temps did drop, and it turned to snow. You can still see grass and its kind of falling now as i type but i want the snow that you can build a snow man, have a snowball fight, or even go sledding. I hope it happens soon! Well off to do more laundry and try to relax another work nite for me!
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