Hi Everyone~
Sorry for the lapse in posts, but life has dealt us some hard knocks lately. We are trying to deal with those, so other things are falling to the way side. We are trying to deal with some major medical issues with M who is 4. We are getting calls about specialists etc so im constantly on the phone. We are also trying to just deal with normal every day issues. Homework, dishes, laundry, etc.
This is one of the hardest months for me, because my mother died this month..so we have the anniversary of her death.
The best part of this month is that its the month that my oldest son was born! He will be 16 this year so i will have a post dedicated to him!
AND this month is HALLOWEEN!! wahoo i love halloween! i dont know what the kids are going to be yet but we have a few to figure it out. Sorry this is short but i have to run some errands and do somethings before M comes home from preschool.
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