Hi Everyone~
I hope you all had a great weekend. We had a busy but nice one. Saturday we went and ran some errands, we went to the jewelry store , to find out about some things with my ring, we went to the tux place for the hubs to try on his tux before the wedding this weekend ( omg he looked so hot!!) . We hunted around for a farmers market but sadly we didnt find anything but people that put up a tent in a parking lot with very few fresh fruits and veggies. Then we stopped by Mickey D's for a quick lunch and went to the park close to our house and the boys all went fishing and i laid on a blanket in the grass reading. It was a nice saturday. Sunday we slept in and then ate breakfast and decided to drive to Bass Pro to check it out ( we had been there once ). The hubs is going hunting in Nov, so he wanted to check some stuff out and its huge and the kids love it. There is an aquarium with huge fish in it, interactive shooting games, furniture,gifts, clothes and all the other gear you would need for an outdoor adventure. After we headed home from there we went to Wal-Mart and picked up some stuff and came home. It was a scorcher yesterday ! We have been working on getting the kids, especially E back into the routine of early bedtime as school is going to be upon us shortly..how shortly you may wonder..well TOMORROW!!! Yipee!
I know it sounds bad but still, it will be good for him to go back to the structure of school and homework and having that routine.When schools in session it will be me and M at home till i find another job and he goes to school or daycare. I cant wait. The hubs and i have been going with the early bedtime for about a week, and they dont put up to much of a fight. It is nice to have the quiet and either catch up on some of the stuff on the dvr or watch a movie. pretty soon we will have the pattern of homework, dinner, baths and bed. We will have alot of family time on the weekends unless the hubs has to work.
I recently just went and got a library card for myself. I have to say even though this library is on the small side i am able to find a lot of new books and alot of stuff i like to read. I cant say that for the library in wa. It took them forever to get new stuff and when they did it took forever to get your hands on it.I can also use this card at other libraries so its a win win! The first time i went i got 4 books for myself and one for each child and quickly read all of my books. When i took them back i got 7 books for myself. Ive already read 3 and am almost thru the 4th. Im going to take them back tonite and then renew the others that i have since they are due back the 7th.
We also got some great news this weekend which is easing some of our money issues. Im also still activly looking for something so that also will bring in extra. Things may be on the up swing for us but i dont want to jinx it so i wont say to much about it. Hope this finds everyone great and I will definitely blog tomorrow about the first day of 2nd grade!!! have a great monday!
a glimpse into my life as a single mom of 3 boys, a sister and friend to many..
Monday, August 30, 2010
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Rainy days
Hi !
Hope this finds everyone's week going ok. Here on the east coast we have been getting some much needed rain. So far its been raining since sunday! And i'm not complaining. i enjoy the rain and we need it ! According to the weather guy he says its been the dryest summer here in a long while. We sure have had some crazy weather here. It was 70's and 80's in march and april and then back to 70's in may and then in june it just was mid 70's and 80's , then towards the end of june we got record heat, jumping quickly to the high 90's. When my sister was here we were over 100 degrees every single day. We had no break from the 100 degree weather and add in the humidity it was killer! At the end of july we got a nice weekend of mid 70's with no humidity and it actually felt cold, but it was nice. So far in august we havent had to many overly warm days. Yes we have had high 80's but most of it has been without humidity so its been nice. We can turn the air conditioners off and open the windows and get nice breezes through the house.
We moved here in november and we were worried that we would encounter snow etc on our travels. We did see some snow in mountain passes and both the hubs and i grew up on this side of the country. He in new hampshire and myself in michigan. We both know that sometimes you can get snow as early as october( dont nay say peeps i remember when i was younger that we had snow on halloween once!) But we got here and it was around 60's and no snow so we were stoked! We had a mild winter we had snow but not the snow like they have had in the past. All of the fam has said we got lucky, but i dont know about that, we came to visit christmas 2008 and we came prepared for tons of snow and brought all the neccessary items to play in it and got none! I was bummed i really wanted a white christmas!! On the day that we went to explore boston it was 70 fricken degrees in DECEMBER!!!
So in saying all this and experiencing this weird weather i wonder what this upcoming fall and winter will hold for us. I love the fall and am looking forward to the leaves changing and the warm fuzzy sweaters and sweatshirts. Im looking for the nites where we just lock ourselves in and snuggle. The nites of apple cider or hot cocoa. I know it sounds crazy but i cant wait. I cant wait because its starts off the holidays with halloween ( whoever says its not a holiday is soo wrong!) then turkey day and black friday and then of course christmas and new years! i cant wait for fall to turn into winter and to get that first snow! and if it melts away to get more snows ! i think it makes it so pretty outside! The only thing i hate is when there are snow days during the year because they usually have to be made up in june :(
I know we live in snow country, but still last year we were out the few days before christmas break was to start and therefore the kids didnt get out till june 21. thats just dumb to get out so late, i think the teachers should have said that they would give up some of their planning days ( the kids usually dont go on those days) to make up for some of the days missed.
Im still job hunting since the job in the school district didnt work out. id like something compatible to the kids schedule since im the one that has to miss when they are sick etc. A school job would be awsome since you would be off the same as them. Im pretty bummed that it didnt work out. I emailed her after the interview to ask some questions that i forgot then and got no response, and i also emailed to thank her for the interview and the opportunity and she has still never responded , i know she may be busy but she has emailed me before at 9 and 10 pm. Oh well.We cant go long with me not having a job since it seems lately everyone is planning crap around when our bills are due. they and food shopping are the most important.
But a friend of ours planned a wedding right at the beginning of sept. right when rent is due and then car payments. the sucky thing about it being right then is that we are both in the wedding and we have to pay 150$ to rent a tux..really 150$ for something you wear for a few hours...im pissed.Thank god she didnt want the girls to buy a dress she wanted to see what kind of nice dresses everyone had and luckliy i had bought one for another formal occasion that you could wear in or too a wedding! But not only with the cost of bills and the tux we have to pay for gas to get there and we have to bribe the hubs mother to watch the kids!! First off no one would watch them, and hey we never really ask. So we were going to keep them friday for the rehersal etc. Then we just needed his mother to watch them saturday for the wedding. She was going to take them to a demo derby if we paid for it, we were like fine it was like 15$. Then shes now changed it to she wants to go camping so she will take them both days, but she wants us to pay for 1 day of camping and their food. Get this though, she takes his sisters kid all the time during the week and almost every weekend and she never requires her to pay for anything, so why our our kids different. The hubs is pissed because on top of never asking his parents for anything except every once in awhile we are required to pay his mother to take the kids and then his sister never does. And no one even called or sent a card for M's birthday so hes equally pissed about that. I mean part of the reason we got the job transfer here was to be closer to family. so the kids would have their grandparents, we could go to family functions etc but never imagined this at all. so we are a bit shell shocked. I mean do they not get that right now we have limited income and limited resources? hmmm makes you wonder!
Hope this finds everyone's week going ok. Here on the east coast we have been getting some much needed rain. So far its been raining since sunday! And i'm not complaining. i enjoy the rain and we need it ! According to the weather guy he says its been the dryest summer here in a long while. We sure have had some crazy weather here. It was 70's and 80's in march and april and then back to 70's in may and then in june it just was mid 70's and 80's , then towards the end of june we got record heat, jumping quickly to the high 90's. When my sister was here we were over 100 degrees every single day. We had no break from the 100 degree weather and add in the humidity it was killer! At the end of july we got a nice weekend of mid 70's with no humidity and it actually felt cold, but it was nice. So far in august we havent had to many overly warm days. Yes we have had high 80's but most of it has been without humidity so its been nice. We can turn the air conditioners off and open the windows and get nice breezes through the house.
We moved here in november and we were worried that we would encounter snow etc on our travels. We did see some snow in mountain passes and both the hubs and i grew up on this side of the country. He in new hampshire and myself in michigan. We both know that sometimes you can get snow as early as october( dont nay say peeps i remember when i was younger that we had snow on halloween once!) But we got here and it was around 60's and no snow so we were stoked! We had a mild winter we had snow but not the snow like they have had in the past. All of the fam has said we got lucky, but i dont know about that, we came to visit christmas 2008 and we came prepared for tons of snow and brought all the neccessary items to play in it and got none! I was bummed i really wanted a white christmas!! On the day that we went to explore boston it was 70 fricken degrees in DECEMBER!!!
So in saying all this and experiencing this weird weather i wonder what this upcoming fall and winter will hold for us. I love the fall and am looking forward to the leaves changing and the warm fuzzy sweaters and sweatshirts. Im looking for the nites where we just lock ourselves in and snuggle. The nites of apple cider or hot cocoa. I know it sounds crazy but i cant wait. I cant wait because its starts off the holidays with halloween ( whoever says its not a holiday is soo wrong!) then turkey day and black friday and then of course christmas and new years! i cant wait for fall to turn into winter and to get that first snow! and if it melts away to get more snows ! i think it makes it so pretty outside! The only thing i hate is when there are snow days during the year because they usually have to be made up in june :(
I know we live in snow country, but still last year we were out the few days before christmas break was to start and therefore the kids didnt get out till june 21. thats just dumb to get out so late, i think the teachers should have said that they would give up some of their planning days ( the kids usually dont go on those days) to make up for some of the days missed.
Im still job hunting since the job in the school district didnt work out. id like something compatible to the kids schedule since im the one that has to miss when they are sick etc. A school job would be awsome since you would be off the same as them. Im pretty bummed that it didnt work out. I emailed her after the interview to ask some questions that i forgot then and got no response, and i also emailed to thank her for the interview and the opportunity and she has still never responded , i know she may be busy but she has emailed me before at 9 and 10 pm. Oh well.We cant go long with me not having a job since it seems lately everyone is planning crap around when our bills are due. they and food shopping are the most important.
But a friend of ours planned a wedding right at the beginning of sept. right when rent is due and then car payments. the sucky thing about it being right then is that we are both in the wedding and we have to pay 150$ to rent a tux..really 150$ for something you wear for a few hours...im pissed.Thank god she didnt want the girls to buy a dress she wanted to see what kind of nice dresses everyone had and luckliy i had bought one for another formal occasion that you could wear in or too a wedding! But not only with the cost of bills and the tux we have to pay for gas to get there and we have to bribe the hubs mother to watch the kids!! First off no one would watch them, and hey we never really ask. So we were going to keep them friday for the rehersal etc. Then we just needed his mother to watch them saturday for the wedding. She was going to take them to a demo derby if we paid for it, we were like fine it was like 15$. Then shes now changed it to she wants to go camping so she will take them both days, but she wants us to pay for 1 day of camping and their food. Get this though, she takes his sisters kid all the time during the week and almost every weekend and she never requires her to pay for anything, so why our our kids different. The hubs is pissed because on top of never asking his parents for anything except every once in awhile we are required to pay his mother to take the kids and then his sister never does. And no one even called or sent a card for M's birthday so hes equally pissed about that. I mean part of the reason we got the job transfer here was to be closer to family. so the kids would have their grandparents, we could go to family functions etc but never imagined this at all. so we are a bit shell shocked. I mean do they not get that right now we have limited income and limited resources? hmmm makes you wonder!
Monday, August 23, 2010
A birthday boy!!!

Happy monday everyone!
Today is a happy day, and sad just the same. Today is M's 4th birthday! i cant believe how fast its gone by! 4 years ago we headed into the hospital to have the little bean. Ever since michaela died they have considered me high risk ( since there was no known cause of death) even if my pregnancy is completely normal. So we chose the day we wanted to have him they called us to say "come on in" (even tho it was scheduled we could get bumped if there were tons of people who went into labor or etc) we headed in after dropping E off and had nervous butterflies! We got to the hospital and they checked us in, got us our room and banded us. the dr came in checked me out and i was dialated to a 3. She said she was going to let me walk around and would be back to check. by 12 she had put in some meds to make me dialate since i seemed to have stalled. To me who has had all natural childbirths with no epidurals etc, it seemed that the contractions were not receding at all. it just seemed they were right ontopofeachother! Seriously there was no relief. There had been a shift change and i hardly ever saw my previous nurse, and with the shift change i had the best nurse ever her name was karen. she was awsome she could see that they were just coming and coming and not stopping. She asked when was the last time i was checked..um 1pm..it was like 430. Karen said lets try and go potty and see if that helps. so i go to do what she asks me but i could barely pee people, there was so much pressure it was unreal, i told her that and she was like lets check it out. um hey i was at a 10 and his head was right there...OMG OMG...they call the dr over stat and it wasnt long and here he was. We had bets on how much he would weigh. brian said over 9 lbs the dr said 7.5 lbs i was like 6 maybe. I won M came out at a whopping 5 lbs and 20 inches. He was so tiny. He was a preemie in size but not age, he was only 7 days early. Now hes 4! oh i cant believe how fast hes grown and how fast we got to age 4! He looks the most like me and he has the most beautiful blue eyes!
so i am here to scream from the rooftops HAPPY BIRTHDAY M WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH !!!
Friday, August 20, 2010
Hi there All!
I realize i didnt write last week, as i had planned but somethings came up and it kind of took the wind out of my sails. As you know, or may not know i have a daughter that died at birth. I wrote this about her http://piecesofthepepins.blogspot.com/2010/04/very-hard-but-special-weekend.html
When she passed the hospital gave us a memory box. In it is all of the braclets we both had, the blankets, hats etc that they used or had for her. Its been at my moms in michigan because when i got divorced i moved back there and everything i had was there. After my mom passed we couldnt find it at all. I was paranoid. The only memories of my baby girl were gone. Well my mom sneaky as she could be had put it away where it wouldnt get tossed or misplaced. it was in her closet.Thank heavens.Its all i had besides the things in my head and the flashbacks ( trust me i can see every second of that day in my head!) So not long ago my siblings had come upon it and sent it my way. Ever since then i put it in a box in my room as it doesnt get misplaced. It includes not only the things listed above but they took her hand and foot prints, her measurements and we also clipped some of her curly black hair..she had tons you couldnt even tell we did it. I have some pics of her gravesite at the cemetary. Being 21 when i lost her i couldnt afford a headstone, and knew i wouldnt be able to any time in the near future so my mother built a flower box and planted mums in it and then had an angel statue in the center. she also got one of those yard stakes ( the kind you can hang flags or bird feeders from) and found a wind chime that had angels and thats how we marked her spot. i was grateful to her for going there and doing this but she really couldnt understand what i was going thru as she had never lost a child. Well some of you may find this creepy but at the time of michaela's birth the hospital has a group of people that help you when you loose a child. They came in and were with us after she was born. Stayed with us as we held her and tried our hardest to say our goodbyes to this precious girl that we had waited for for 9 months. My dad was in the same state at the time and came as soon as i called and it was very hard for him to see and deal with. After all i was his baby and i was having to say goodbye to my baby. Well you know how you get hospital photos. They do take them even if they child has passed. SHe just looks like she is sleeping. I also had a girlfriend who came up to the hospital and took private photos for us, as she knew what i was experienceing as she had a daughter pass away at 7 months.
I havent seen the pics in years. As i have stated the first 5 years were a killer for me and then it got slowly easier. This year was tough as she would be 13 and no doubt have "bieber fever" ( trust me i would have loved it!!) Well the only ones who had seen the photos besides me, and my mom was my grandmother ..she too had lost a child. Well my grandmother died 1 year and 8 days after my mom. My aunts were the ones in charge of boxing up all of my grandma's things and clearing the hosue etc. Well my aunt is moving and is going thru stuff and had found a box that was my grandmother's things that she has put off going thru. In this box was birth and death certificates( her and my mother did geneology of my grandfathers family so they did have a lot of records) and baby books etc.
Well in this box was an envelope and my aunt who had lost a baby to placenta previa and never saw her baby thought they were pics of him and they werent they were the pics of michaela. The one hospital photo, the pics of her being weighed. me holding her. Again they were never meant for every one. At her funeral we had an open casket but she wasnt yucky too look at she just looked like a baby sleeping. she wasnt purple ,blue or any other color she just looked pink and like she was asleep. My mother wouldnt have done that too me or my siblings as they would have been traumatized forever. SO after looking at them and being traumatized she messages me on facebook and tells me she found them and needed my address to send them. I apologized to her for traumatizing her but explained they were never for everyone. She told me i had to promise not to meltdown when i got them, thats not what she wanted to happen.
Well i got them last tuesday. I ripped the envelope open and stood there and looked, hiding them from brian, as he doesnt really understand it, and the one pic i did have here said he was bothered looking at it. I have to say i did get a little teary at first sight. I came into my room got her memory box out and looked over everything and then placed her pics inside so they wouldnt be lost. Then that nite, really not knowing why i went into my room and took the box out again and looked at everything. touching and holding everything she touched. all the while looking at her pictures. It was like i was torturing myself, why because when i saw her again i truly missed her like it had just happened all over again. Loosing a child is never easy. i called my sister and was sobbing and she said nothing against me but maybe i shouldnt have them because look what it does to me. But she knew its all ill ever have of her. I've had to make my self not go back and keep looking at them. i just had the meltdown tuesday and havent looked again, but it does take some recovery time. I would never want someone i know to experience a loss like that its heart wrenching and devestating. And anything can bring that pain back to the surface i have realized.
In other news i went for an interview for the job in the school district. It went well but as i havent heard and school starts tuesday there i dont think i got it. Oh well back to the drawing board! We toured a preschool and it was great and where we would want M to go if i get a day job or school job. Speaking of M its almost his birthday! He will be 4!!!! OMG.
well thats all for today folks! Have a great monday!
I realize i didnt write last week, as i had planned but somethings came up and it kind of took the wind out of my sails. As you know, or may not know i have a daughter that died at birth. I wrote this about her http://piecesofthepepins.blogspot.com/2010/04/very-hard-but-special-weekend.html
When she passed the hospital gave us a memory box. In it is all of the braclets we both had, the blankets, hats etc that they used or had for her. Its been at my moms in michigan because when i got divorced i moved back there and everything i had was there. After my mom passed we couldnt find it at all. I was paranoid. The only memories of my baby girl were gone. Well my mom sneaky as she could be had put it away where it wouldnt get tossed or misplaced. it was in her closet.Thank heavens.Its all i had besides the things in my head and the flashbacks ( trust me i can see every second of that day in my head!) So not long ago my siblings had come upon it and sent it my way. Ever since then i put it in a box in my room as it doesnt get misplaced. It includes not only the things listed above but they took her hand and foot prints, her measurements and we also clipped some of her curly black hair..she had tons you couldnt even tell we did it. I have some pics of her gravesite at the cemetary. Being 21 when i lost her i couldnt afford a headstone, and knew i wouldnt be able to any time in the near future so my mother built a flower box and planted mums in it and then had an angel statue in the center. she also got one of those yard stakes ( the kind you can hang flags or bird feeders from) and found a wind chime that had angels and thats how we marked her spot. i was grateful to her for going there and doing this but she really couldnt understand what i was going thru as she had never lost a child. Well some of you may find this creepy but at the time of michaela's birth the hospital has a group of people that help you when you loose a child. They came in and were with us after she was born. Stayed with us as we held her and tried our hardest to say our goodbyes to this precious girl that we had waited for for 9 months. My dad was in the same state at the time and came as soon as i called and it was very hard for him to see and deal with. After all i was his baby and i was having to say goodbye to my baby. Well you know how you get hospital photos. They do take them even if they child has passed. SHe just looks like she is sleeping. I also had a girlfriend who came up to the hospital and took private photos for us, as she knew what i was experienceing as she had a daughter pass away at 7 months.
I havent seen the pics in years. As i have stated the first 5 years were a killer for me and then it got slowly easier. This year was tough as she would be 13 and no doubt have "bieber fever" ( trust me i would have loved it!!) Well the only ones who had seen the photos besides me, and my mom was my grandmother ..she too had lost a child. Well my grandmother died 1 year and 8 days after my mom. My aunts were the ones in charge of boxing up all of my grandma's things and clearing the hosue etc. Well my aunt is moving and is going thru stuff and had found a box that was my grandmother's things that she has put off going thru. In this box was birth and death certificates( her and my mother did geneology of my grandfathers family so they did have a lot of records) and baby books etc.
Well in this box was an envelope and my aunt who had lost a baby to placenta previa and never saw her baby thought they were pics of him and they werent they were the pics of michaela. The one hospital photo, the pics of her being weighed. me holding her. Again they were never meant for every one. At her funeral we had an open casket but she wasnt yucky too look at she just looked like a baby sleeping. she wasnt purple ,blue or any other color she just looked pink and like she was asleep. My mother wouldnt have done that too me or my siblings as they would have been traumatized forever. SO after looking at them and being traumatized she messages me on facebook and tells me she found them and needed my address to send them. I apologized to her for traumatizing her but explained they were never for everyone. She told me i had to promise not to meltdown when i got them, thats not what she wanted to happen.
Well i got them last tuesday. I ripped the envelope open and stood there and looked, hiding them from brian, as he doesnt really understand it, and the one pic i did have here said he was bothered looking at it. I have to say i did get a little teary at first sight. I came into my room got her memory box out and looked over everything and then placed her pics inside so they wouldnt be lost. Then that nite, really not knowing why i went into my room and took the box out again and looked at everything. touching and holding everything she touched. all the while looking at her pictures. It was like i was torturing myself, why because when i saw her again i truly missed her like it had just happened all over again. Loosing a child is never easy. i called my sister and was sobbing and she said nothing against me but maybe i shouldnt have them because look what it does to me. But she knew its all ill ever have of her. I've had to make my self not go back and keep looking at them. i just had the meltdown tuesday and havent looked again, but it does take some recovery time. I would never want someone i know to experience a loss like that its heart wrenching and devestating. And anything can bring that pain back to the surface i have realized.
In other news i went for an interview for the job in the school district. It went well but as i havent heard and school starts tuesday there i dont think i got it. Oh well back to the drawing board! We toured a preschool and it was great and where we would want M to go if i get a day job or school job. Speaking of M its almost his birthday! He will be 4!!!! OMG.
well thats all for today folks! Have a great monday!
job hunting,
job interview,
Friday, August 13, 2010
OMG! Time flies when your having fun!
Happy Friday ..wait its FRIDAY THE 13TH!!!
I cant believe it! sometimes im superstitious but im laying low today so as to not drum up anything unwanted!
As the post say time flies when your having fun! we have had a great summer and celebrated our anniversary and now its onto M's 4th birthday! and ive finally submitted everything for the "new " job im hoping to get. Its a secratarial position but its 25 hrs and it works with the kids schedules and leaves the evenings open for dinners bath homework family time, and also for the hubs to take overtime if offered with out having to worry about getting a sitter.
We are looking to get M into a preschool thats full time, there is one down the street but its 160$ per week, you have to put a week down as a deposit but then they want you to pay for the month in advance within two weeks. Really? REALLY?!!! who has that kind of money lying around. yes they are on the same schedule as the district so all the days off vacations etc that the older kids have he would have. Which would be awsome, since i would be working for a school and they would be in school its the perfect job for a mom since you would have the same days/vacations/snow days off! But 680$ is a bit spendy for preschool for all day. There is another preschool and its at a daycare center and its 170$ and we can pay by the week. i am hoping to make a bit more money than i was making at my part time job that i barely got 12 hrs the month of june at but heres to hoping!
We would like to be able to save some money. we were doing fine once we moved here affording rent and car payments and food and stuff, and to go out and then we had some glitches in early spring..april- may that set us back and we havent really recovered. and then we had summer guests so we havent been able to sock away money. with this new job im hoping we will. we would like to buy a house. we have a pre-approval already and we just havent found the right thing, but with hopefully more money we can get a house and a newer car and be able to put money away, and maybe things will start looking up. the baby thing has never been completely ruled out but im going to be 35 in the fall so i dont want to hold off, sheesh if when this all was agreed to two years ago i would have been almost 32 and things would be fine id have had or been pregnant by now and this subject would be closed. so maybe if this job happens and we can pay for M's schooling and put money away we can get the things we want and pay our bills and still have a bit of spending money.
and to top it off E goes into second grade!i cant believe it! he starts school on the 31! i would have never known. we have yet to start a school year here. we came east once school had started so it was just the process of enrolling him and stuff. i find it weird that they dont send anything before hand saying this is your teacher and classroom and here are the supplies . apparently here they wait till the first day to tell them , i guess depending on the weather they either have them mill about out front and the teachers call them into their line or this all happens in the gym.i think thats a lame way to do it. Back in washington at least they had a day that you could go meet your teacher, tour your class and bring all your stuff in. i think it was much easier and took the edge off. So i guess we will see.
Even though im looking forward to school starting and the house being quiet and staying clean...if i get the job it may not happen the way i want. E gets on the bus about 750-755 am. Depending on where M goes he will have to be there about 815ish and then i would have to be to work about 9 am. I would work till 2. Again depending on where M goes he gets out around 230 and E gets home at 3. So it appears that i will be getting home right before they do and then its into the evening routine. it would be different if i was home all day but that wont happen. I just hope all the transitions work well.
I usually have to deal with everything as the hubs job is usually pretty busy and he cant miss. so unless things are planned in advance he misses everything, conferences, first days, school programs. its a shame but hes kind of the newbie around his job, even though hes been doing it for 4 years. his co was bought out by another and so even though he has time in service they all basically got set back to zero when this compnay purchased his old one. so to them hes only been doing it 2 years. And plus hes the newbie here in the shop since he got a job transfer. so hes taking the overtime going in on the weekends and doing nonsense work like mowing the grass etc. he has given up requested vacation days to go on road jobs . he takes all the road jobs they offer so they dont have a reason to lay him off. After we got here we had heard some of the guys he worked with in wa got laid off so the panic really set in but i dont think its an issue with him, hes a very hard worker. and he still hasnt taken those vacation days that he had to give up for work. hes taking some upcoming days off but thats for a wedding and he already has them off and then hes taking another day off possibly since we have an inspection on our apartment because our lease is up in october.
well be safe out there fellow bloggers it is friday the 13th! and im off !
I cant believe it! sometimes im superstitious but im laying low today so as to not drum up anything unwanted!
As the post say time flies when your having fun! we have had a great summer and celebrated our anniversary and now its onto M's 4th birthday! and ive finally submitted everything for the "new " job im hoping to get. Its a secratarial position but its 25 hrs and it works with the kids schedules and leaves the evenings open for dinners bath homework family time, and also for the hubs to take overtime if offered with out having to worry about getting a sitter.
We are looking to get M into a preschool thats full time, there is one down the street but its 160$ per week, you have to put a week down as a deposit but then they want you to pay for the month in advance within two weeks. Really? REALLY?!!! who has that kind of money lying around. yes they are on the same schedule as the district so all the days off vacations etc that the older kids have he would have. Which would be awsome, since i would be working for a school and they would be in school its the perfect job for a mom since you would have the same days/vacations/snow days off! But 680$ is a bit spendy for preschool for all day. There is another preschool and its at a daycare center and its 170$ and we can pay by the week. i am hoping to make a bit more money than i was making at my part time job that i barely got 12 hrs the month of june at but heres to hoping!
We would like to be able to save some money. we were doing fine once we moved here affording rent and car payments and food and stuff, and to go out and then we had some glitches in early spring..april- may that set us back and we havent really recovered. and then we had summer guests so we havent been able to sock away money. with this new job im hoping we will. we would like to buy a house. we have a pre-approval already and we just havent found the right thing, but with hopefully more money we can get a house and a newer car and be able to put money away, and maybe things will start looking up. the baby thing has never been completely ruled out but im going to be 35 in the fall so i dont want to hold off, sheesh if when this all was agreed to two years ago i would have been almost 32 and things would be fine id have had or been pregnant by now and this subject would be closed. so maybe if this job happens and we can pay for M's schooling and put money away we can get the things we want and pay our bills and still have a bit of spending money.
and to top it off E goes into second grade!i cant believe it! he starts school on the 31! i would have never known. we have yet to start a school year here. we came east once school had started so it was just the process of enrolling him and stuff. i find it weird that they dont send anything before hand saying this is your teacher and classroom and here are the supplies . apparently here they wait till the first day to tell them , i guess depending on the weather they either have them mill about out front and the teachers call them into their line or this all happens in the gym.i think thats a lame way to do it. Back in washington at least they had a day that you could go meet your teacher, tour your class and bring all your stuff in. i think it was much easier and took the edge off. So i guess we will see.
Even though im looking forward to school starting and the house being quiet and staying clean...if i get the job it may not happen the way i want. E gets on the bus about 750-755 am. Depending on where M goes he will have to be there about 815ish and then i would have to be to work about 9 am. I would work till 2. Again depending on where M goes he gets out around 230 and E gets home at 3. So it appears that i will be getting home right before they do and then its into the evening routine. it would be different if i was home all day but that wont happen. I just hope all the transitions work well.
I usually have to deal with everything as the hubs job is usually pretty busy and he cant miss. so unless things are planned in advance he misses everything, conferences, first days, school programs. its a shame but hes kind of the newbie around his job, even though hes been doing it for 4 years. his co was bought out by another and so even though he has time in service they all basically got set back to zero when this compnay purchased his old one. so to them hes only been doing it 2 years. And plus hes the newbie here in the shop since he got a job transfer. so hes taking the overtime going in on the weekends and doing nonsense work like mowing the grass etc. he has given up requested vacation days to go on road jobs . he takes all the road jobs they offer so they dont have a reason to lay him off. After we got here we had heard some of the guys he worked with in wa got laid off so the panic really set in but i dont think its an issue with him, hes a very hard worker. and he still hasnt taken those vacation days that he had to give up for work. hes taking some upcoming days off but thats for a wedding and he already has them off and then hes taking another day off possibly since we have an inspection on our apartment because our lease is up in october.
well be safe out there fellow bloggers it is friday the 13th! and im off !
friday the 13,
new jobs,
the hubs,
the hubs work,
the kids,
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
the story of us
Today is my anniversary!
the hubs and i have been married 3 years but have been together since 2002. i love him more than words can say. i am trying to come up with a way to write a post about us and our story, it seems the blogs are being a bit wonky so i may have to publish at a later date. plus i want to celebrate us today and him most of all. so this is short..sorry!
the hubs and i have been married 3 years but have been together since 2002. i love him more than words can say. i am trying to come up with a way to write a post about us and our story, it seems the blogs are being a bit wonky so i may have to publish at a later date. plus i want to celebrate us today and him most of all. so this is short..sorry!
Monday, August 9, 2010
Time is flying by...
Happy Monday !!!
Is it just me or is time flying by? Last i checked it was may and we were gearing up for our summer guests! Holy crap its now mid august and that means its almost M's 4th birthday and our anniversary and then school! wowza! i cant believe how fast everything has passed. I mean granted we have been busy but still. sheesh.
Tomorrow is the hubs and i anniversary. and i can say its been a crazy few years. Yes we have been married only 3 years but we have been together since 2002 ( dont hate peeps!) He wasnt around alot being in the army and protecting our freedom and all. I dont have any idea if we have anything planned or not being that its a tuesday and all but we may manage to go to dinner, granted we would have to take the kids since we dont have a sitter but sometimes thats the price you have to pay.
In other news im applying for a position in a school district, that will afford me to work while the kids are in school and be home right before they are and have the same vacations and snow days etc as them which will be awsome so we wont have to rely on a sitter and paying someone. and hopefully i will be making a bit more money which will be nice also
And on the 23 is M's 4th birthday. its gone by sooo stinkin fast :( i hate it. I remember exactly having him and also holding him for the first time. he was only 7 days early and he only weighed 5lbs. he was soo tiny. he still is little for his age. people ask if hes 2 going to be 3 and we say hes almost 4 and people cant believe it. they say he looks 2. Hes still on the tiny side. he weighs about 32 lbs but can fit in size 12-18-2t size shorts but he has to have a size 3 for pants for length.
im ready for another, my husband agreed to it 2 years ago but he says its harder since things are more expensive here and now that M is 4 why would i want to start over again. I just dont think he gets it. I would love to have a girl but am just fine with boys, they are pretty easy and i have tons of practice with 3 of them dont ya think?Part of me doesnt get how he can say arent you happy with the 3 you have, why do you need anymore. and then no sooner does he say it he points out a baby to me. I am usually the one that does all the baby things: feeding diapering etc so its not like he has to do much.
I dont really want to say ok we wont have anymore. i mean i can understand if i was 40 but im not and we have already discussed this and agreed, now i feel that hes taking back everything. Its not fair i dont think. I mean we havent really tried. I got off the bc but then my body could never regulate( UGGGGH!!!) and then i took meds to try and reset my body but yes i got a period but it never reset anything. so back in sept. before our move east i went on bc again and stopped after a month. it worked i had my own periods oct,nov dec and not jan..thought we were expecting but no. did blood work in feb and 2 days later had my period. then nothing again for months. Finally i go an ob here and she did some lab work everything is normal. and so she said i should probably do bc again for 6-9 months and stop and that usually regulates. so i hope everything works out and i can have my one last baby. a girl would be great. but i do love my boys . i just cant say the words ok we wont have anymore. i cant. part of my brain says ok just go with it, the other part says no just one more.
In upcoming events we have friends of ours that are getting married sept 4th and we are both in the wedding so that should be fun! it will be an adult nite so it will be a nite without kids which we dont have very much.
And then after that SCHOOL!! Yippee. Im ready for a clean house and routine and quiet nites.
and also can i say i cant wait to see CHARLIE ST.CLOUD. omg, it looks sooo good. I bought the book the other day and have yet to crack it open but dang i cant wait to see and it! and have ya'all seen Zac Efron. omg hello.
all right off for now ! have a great monday!
Is it just me or is time flying by? Last i checked it was may and we were gearing up for our summer guests! Holy crap its now mid august and that means its almost M's 4th birthday and our anniversary and then school! wowza! i cant believe how fast everything has passed. I mean granted we have been busy but still. sheesh.
Tomorrow is the hubs and i anniversary. and i can say its been a crazy few years. Yes we have been married only 3 years but we have been together since 2002 ( dont hate peeps!) He wasnt around alot being in the army and protecting our freedom and all. I dont have any idea if we have anything planned or not being that its a tuesday and all but we may manage to go to dinner, granted we would have to take the kids since we dont have a sitter but sometimes thats the price you have to pay.
In other news im applying for a position in a school district, that will afford me to work while the kids are in school and be home right before they are and have the same vacations and snow days etc as them which will be awsome so we wont have to rely on a sitter and paying someone. and hopefully i will be making a bit more money which will be nice also
And on the 23 is M's 4th birthday. its gone by sooo stinkin fast :( i hate it. I remember exactly having him and also holding him for the first time. he was only 7 days early and he only weighed 5lbs. he was soo tiny. he still is little for his age. people ask if hes 2 going to be 3 and we say hes almost 4 and people cant believe it. they say he looks 2. Hes still on the tiny side. he weighs about 32 lbs but can fit in size 12-18-2t size shorts but he has to have a size 3 for pants for length.
im ready for another, my husband agreed to it 2 years ago but he says its harder since things are more expensive here and now that M is 4 why would i want to start over again. I just dont think he gets it. I would love to have a girl but am just fine with boys, they are pretty easy and i have tons of practice with 3 of them dont ya think?Part of me doesnt get how he can say arent you happy with the 3 you have, why do you need anymore. and then no sooner does he say it he points out a baby to me. I am usually the one that does all the baby things: feeding diapering etc so its not like he has to do much.
I dont really want to say ok we wont have anymore. i mean i can understand if i was 40 but im not and we have already discussed this and agreed, now i feel that hes taking back everything. Its not fair i dont think. I mean we havent really tried. I got off the bc but then my body could never regulate( UGGGGH!!!) and then i took meds to try and reset my body but yes i got a period but it never reset anything. so back in sept. before our move east i went on bc again and stopped after a month. it worked i had my own periods oct,nov dec and not jan..thought we were expecting but no. did blood work in feb and 2 days later had my period. then nothing again for months. Finally i go an ob here and she did some lab work everything is normal. and so she said i should probably do bc again for 6-9 months and stop and that usually regulates. so i hope everything works out and i can have my one last baby. a girl would be great. but i do love my boys . i just cant say the words ok we wont have anymore. i cant. part of my brain says ok just go with it, the other part says no just one more.
In upcoming events we have friends of ours that are getting married sept 4th and we are both in the wedding so that should be fun! it will be an adult nite so it will be a nite without kids which we dont have very much.
And then after that SCHOOL!! Yippee. Im ready for a clean house and routine and quiet nites.
and also can i say i cant wait to see CHARLIE ST.CLOUD. omg, it looks sooo good. I bought the book the other day and have yet to crack it open but dang i cant wait to see and it! and have ya'all seen Zac Efron. omg hello.
all right off for now ! have a great monday!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
A small miracle...a miracle non the less
Hi Everyone!!
Hope this finds you well! Lets get right to it! well the other day i wrote about M being a picky eater. Which he is. Luckily when we were camping there was enough around that he would eat and we brought some stuff in case he wouldnt. Hes a good eater for the most part but im getting tired of making two meals mostly at dinner, or packing something for him if we go to a family get together. As i stated he likes pasta, grilled cheese,fruit,veggies,chicken nuggets,pizza,mac and cheese,pbj. he drinks mostly milk and water (but doesnt fill up on milk) and oatmeal and likes oj but not to many other juices. Well the other nite i made salisbury steak, stuffing and corn for dinner. i cut up about 1/4 of a piece of steak and put it on his plate and ladeled some gravy on top of it. he was having none of it he started throwing a fit saying he didnt like it and he didnt want that. While everyone else is sitting there eating without an issue. The hubs got up and said how do you know you dont like it , you havent tried it. finally he got his sticker book out and told him if he ate two pieces of it he could choose a sticker in it. HE ATE 2 PIECES!!!! we were amazed.Then we went back to eating and just told him to eat everything else and he finished his meat on his own and some of the corn!!!! i was beyond thrilled that he ate it hoping we were on our way back to just making one meal at dinner time, because usually he eats fine at breakfast and lunch. But then part of my brain was thinking, if the only way we are going to get him to eat is bribe him, how long will we have to do that since we were using that to potty train him. we have that pretty much down pat except for getting him out of diapers at nap and bedtime and also going in public places. ANY IDEAS? on either the eating or the rest of the potty training? HELP!!!
in other news i quit my job! due to no hours ( 12 hrs for the whole month of june) and they forced me to do training i didnt want and im still just cashiering without utilizing the training. it isnt worth it for me to drive 45 min for one day a week just to make enough money for a tank of gas. This is my last week.I have been actively looking for something else. something in the school district so i can work why the kids are in school and have the same breaks and vacays etc. i have also been looking for something else that is evening related so we wont have to pay a sitter and just pocket the whole check. So far only a few leads but im hoping to find something soon that im making a bit more than i was at my almost old job. Wish me luck friends!
Well im off for now but send me the ideas for picky eating and potty training your recipes and also book suggestions, i look forward to getting all of them
Hope this finds you well! Lets get right to it! well the other day i wrote about M being a picky eater. Which he is. Luckily when we were camping there was enough around that he would eat and we brought some stuff in case he wouldnt. Hes a good eater for the most part but im getting tired of making two meals mostly at dinner, or packing something for him if we go to a family get together. As i stated he likes pasta, grilled cheese,fruit,veggies,chicken nuggets,pizza,mac and cheese,pbj. he drinks mostly milk and water (but doesnt fill up on milk) and oatmeal and likes oj but not to many other juices. Well the other nite i made salisbury steak, stuffing and corn for dinner. i cut up about 1/4 of a piece of steak and put it on his plate and ladeled some gravy on top of it. he was having none of it he started throwing a fit saying he didnt like it and he didnt want that. While everyone else is sitting there eating without an issue. The hubs got up and said how do you know you dont like it , you havent tried it. finally he got his sticker book out and told him if he ate two pieces of it he could choose a sticker in it. HE ATE 2 PIECES!!!! we were amazed.Then we went back to eating and just told him to eat everything else and he finished his meat on his own and some of the corn!!!! i was beyond thrilled that he ate it hoping we were on our way back to just making one meal at dinner time, because usually he eats fine at breakfast and lunch. But then part of my brain was thinking, if the only way we are going to get him to eat is bribe him, how long will we have to do that since we were using that to potty train him. we have that pretty much down pat except for getting him out of diapers at nap and bedtime and also going in public places. ANY IDEAS? on either the eating or the rest of the potty training? HELP!!!
in other news i quit my job! due to no hours ( 12 hrs for the whole month of june) and they forced me to do training i didnt want and im still just cashiering without utilizing the training. it isnt worth it for me to drive 45 min for one day a week just to make enough money for a tank of gas. This is my last week.I have been actively looking for something else. something in the school district so i can work why the kids are in school and have the same breaks and vacays etc. i have also been looking for something else that is evening related so we wont have to pay a sitter and just pocket the whole check. So far only a few leads but im hoping to find something soon that im making a bit more than i was at my almost old job. Wish me luck friends!
Well im off for now but send me the ideas for picky eating and potty training your recipes and also book suggestions, i look forward to getting all of them
job hunting,
picky eating,
potty training,
the hubs,
the kids
Monday, August 2, 2010
August already?
Happy Monday Everyone~
i cant believe its august already!!! Can you? it seems like the summer has flown by! i can see that happening for us because we have been busy with guests and work and have rarely had down time but it just seems like last week it was may and we were gearing up for the crazy summer!
This month is also very busy for us. We have our anniversary this month and M's 4th birthday and of course that means its almost school time!!!!Yipee! Dont get me wrong i love that the kids are home etc but i also long for the time they are in school to be able to clean the house and not have a mess made where i just cleaned.
We went camping saturday and it was pretty fun! the place where we camped has theme weekends and this weekend was "Cowboys" the boys had a great time they had activities like " gold rush, Cowboy contests,candy bar bingo,money swim, tshirt making etc and a dance on saturday nite. It was pretty fun both E and M got 16 pieces of "gold" in the gold rush. they did the cowboy contest which was obstacle course,bull whip, bow and arrow and indian leg wrestling. the money swim was pretty fun, they throw a bunch of quarters into the bottom of the pool and split you up by age group and then you go in and get as much as possible. E really liked it. we also won at candy bar bingo all the kids for their age have never really played it.We went to the dance and it was pretty fun but maybe stayed like an hr because it had been a long day. The place where we camped is an RV resort so it had tons of things , each weekend is themed, so not only those activities that are planned they also have mini golf, bike/skate park, water slides and a beach, a pizza/ice cream parlor , arcade,and huge play ground. they have canoe & boat rentals and also golf cart rentals. It was soo awsome. we had a golf cart for use and the site was really wooded, so yes you had neighbors but it still wasnt like you had neighbors. And you can get a wrist band for the waterslides and pay 10$ for the whole day till 7pm. Quiet time is at 11pm so that makes it nice that yes you can stay at your site and sit around the fire but the rowdiness is gone by 11 so everyone who is winding down can get to sleep. We had a good time.The only thing we figured out about camping is M has trouble sleeping other places besides home. In hotels hes ok but we usually stay really busy so hes pretty tired, which happened while camping, we got them up at about 630am on saturday to head up and stayed busy till about 1030pm. He fell asleep fine he just woke up about 3am and realized he wasnt at home and we had a killer time getting him back to sleep. The hubs and i were having a hard enough time sleeping on the ground even tho we brought a bunch of blankets to put down to hopefully make it more cushier/no such luck! we didnt get much sleep that nite at all :(
On sunday we went to a birthday party for our friends son. it was his first birthday , it was a good time also, but we were tired. They are getting married on sept 4 and dave and the hubs were talking wedding details, and then i found out that i now am in the wedding! yikes, at least i get to walk with my sexy hubby. All the people that are in the wedding are hubs and wife, except 2 people so its going to be fun. but yikes, we have to find a sitter because now they have decided to not have kids and we arent sure if anyone in the fam is available.
Still need those recipes and book suggestions and also any ideas for a picky eater if you have read the previous blog post!
thanks and have a great monday!
i cant believe its august already!!! Can you? it seems like the summer has flown by! i can see that happening for us because we have been busy with guests and work and have rarely had down time but it just seems like last week it was may and we were gearing up for the crazy summer!
This month is also very busy for us. We have our anniversary this month and M's 4th birthday and of course that means its almost school time!!!!Yipee! Dont get me wrong i love that the kids are home etc but i also long for the time they are in school to be able to clean the house and not have a mess made where i just cleaned.
We went camping saturday and it was pretty fun! the place where we camped has theme weekends and this weekend was "Cowboys" the boys had a great time they had activities like " gold rush, Cowboy contests,candy bar bingo,money swim, tshirt making etc and a dance on saturday nite. It was pretty fun both E and M got 16 pieces of "gold" in the gold rush. they did the cowboy contest which was obstacle course,bull whip, bow and arrow and indian leg wrestling. the money swim was pretty fun, they throw a bunch of quarters into the bottom of the pool and split you up by age group and then you go in and get as much as possible. E really liked it. we also won at candy bar bingo all the kids for their age have never really played it.We went to the dance and it was pretty fun but maybe stayed like an hr because it had been a long day. The place where we camped is an RV resort so it had tons of things , each weekend is themed, so not only those activities that are planned they also have mini golf, bike/skate park, water slides and a beach, a pizza/ice cream parlor , arcade,and huge play ground. they have canoe & boat rentals and also golf cart rentals. It was soo awsome. we had a golf cart for use and the site was really wooded, so yes you had neighbors but it still wasnt like you had neighbors. And you can get a wrist band for the waterslides and pay 10$ for the whole day till 7pm. Quiet time is at 11pm so that makes it nice that yes you can stay at your site and sit around the fire but the rowdiness is gone by 11 so everyone who is winding down can get to sleep. We had a good time.The only thing we figured out about camping is M has trouble sleeping other places besides home. In hotels hes ok but we usually stay really busy so hes pretty tired, which happened while camping, we got them up at about 630am on saturday to head up and stayed busy till about 1030pm. He fell asleep fine he just woke up about 3am and realized he wasnt at home and we had a killer time getting him back to sleep. The hubs and i were having a hard enough time sleeping on the ground even tho we brought a bunch of blankets to put down to hopefully make it more cushier/no such luck! we didnt get much sleep that nite at all :(
On sunday we went to a birthday party for our friends son. it was his first birthday , it was a good time also, but we were tired. They are getting married on sept 4 and dave and the hubs were talking wedding details, and then i found out that i now am in the wedding! yikes, at least i get to walk with my sexy hubby. All the people that are in the wedding are hubs and wife, except 2 people so its going to be fun. but yikes, we have to find a sitter because now they have decided to not have kids and we arent sure if anyone in the fam is available.
Still need those recipes and book suggestions and also any ideas for a picky eater if you have read the previous blog post!
thanks and have a great monday!
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